Wednesday 23 March 2011

It's good to be home...

In the comfort of my own home, surrounded by my faithful laptop, earphones and comfortable pyjamas, I can blog at ease (there aren't no teachers hovering over my left shoulder pestering me to log off and shut down the school's computers).
    So anyway, hi -- you can call me Ali. Often known as 'aliali' or 'alio' or 'alison' or, as one of my friends Maddie likes to call me 'alialialialialialialialialialialaialialialialailaliaalialialialialialiali!!!!!!!!' which often works best if you're trying to get my attention. But yeah, Ali suits me just fine :)
    I'm an aspiring writer. A lot of my spare time at home i spend thinking of all the wonderful things that could happen in a fictional world, like: what would happen if i made a hole in the back of my wardrobe and sprayed the torn edges with dad's shaving foam? Would it turn into Narnia? Probably not, but it was a simple sample of the whereabouts my mind often wonders. In other words, don't go in there; it's dangerous and you will probably find you won't ever come out again.
    I have three cats and a dog - whom i love to pieces. He's a shih tzu and is called Todd and (between you and me) has a very soft spot for my male cat who 'can't' seem to get away quick enough when it comes to running before he gets pounced on. I live with my mum, my dad, and my younger brother who spends most of his days computering and picking his nose on the sofa.

Tomorrow is thursday! And I'm off to Cardiff with my parents after school to go and see a Pink Floyd tribute band. I won't get back until at least half one in the morning so I'll be tired for the following school day but who cares? It'll be my first concert and it's all very exciting! We're third row from the front -- row 'c' -- so Im sure my ears will be ringing for weeks on end afterwards!

  Anyways I will let you get back to your blogging life and will be home to blog soon - happy half of the week everyone!  xx

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